NEW VIDEO: Join us for the largest Mass KAIROS Blanket Exercise ever in Atlantic Canada (1:00 min)

Saturday, May 4th: Mass Blanket Exercise

Alumni Field, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

An experience to build understanding of our shared history of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples

Elder opening and special guests

All are welcome

Join us for the largest Blanket Exercise ever in Atlantic Canada

The KAIROS Blanket Exercise is a visual and experiential way to represent colonization in Canada and its impact on Indigenous peoples. This really big Blanket Exercise is a coming together of hearts and minds in a collective commitment to build reconciliation based on justice for Indigenous peoples. You do not need to attend the whole Gathering to be part of the Mass Blanket Exercise. We hope that there will be hundreds of additional participants from Sackville and the surrounding area. Invite your friends and neighbours. Sign up here if you plan to attend the Mass Blanket Exercise and not the rest of the Gathering.

Filed in: Indigenous Rights, Regional News


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