MEDIA RELEASE: On COP26 eve, For the Love of Creation online Fall Symposium will join people of faith to take climate action
(Toronto – Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit) – For the Love of Creation presents its online Fall Symposium, Saturday, October 30, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., inviting people to deepen their understanding of the climate emergency and advocacy from a faith perspective with speakers representing Anglican, Catholic, Mennonite, United and Quaker churches and organizations.
For the Love of Creation Fall Symposium – a full-day virtual gathering for people of faith across Canada.
This event will launch A Letter of the Faithful regarding Creation, Climate, and Justice, a grassroots pastoral letter that lays out concerns, challenges, and actions to people of faith and wider society in response to climate change. The Letter is the result of a collective theological reflection process, which engaged dozens of people of faith across Canada this year.
On the eve of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, speakers will analyze Canada’s climate plan and identify ways the federal government can better contribute to global climate action efforts. Members of the joint For the Love of Creation and The United Church of Canada ecumenical delegation to COP26 will be introduced and commissioned for service.
Participants will engage with faith leaders, Indigenous leaders, policy experts, and other climate organizers to discern how best people of faith can meaningfully address the climate crisis in what remains of this decade.
Saturday, October 30 (11 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST)
Online. Event details and registration here:
- Archbishop Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Archbishop Anglican Church of Canada
- Willard Metzger, Executive Director, Citizens for Public Justice
- Councillor Christine Boyle, One City Vancouver
- Sister Eva Solomon, CSJ
- Sylvia Keesmaat
- Jennifer Preston, Canadian Friends Services Committee (Quakers)
- Carol Thiessen, Canadian Foodgrains Bank
- Flossie Baker, Climate Emergency Unit
- The Rev. Dr. Daniel D. Scott, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada
For a full list of speakers, please visit For the Love of Creation Fall Symposium Event Page.
Learn more and register for the For the Love of Creation Fall Symposium.
For the Love of Creation includes a growing list of national faith bodies and faith-based organizations that have come together to make a meaningful contribution to address the climate crisis in the next decade. The initiative engages people individually and in community in a climate conversation centred around theological reflection, local engagement, and political advocacy. Coordination of this initiative has been supported by Citizens for Public Justice, KAIROS Canada, Development and Peace-Caritas Canada, and the Federation of Sisters of St Joseph in Canada.
Faith-based organizations that have endorsed For the Love of Creation are: The Anglican Church of Canada (Primate and National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop) | Canadian Religious Conference | Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) | Citizens for Public Justice | Congrégation de Notre-Dame | Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Visitation Province | Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland | Development and Peace-Caritas Canada | Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada | Faith & the Common Good | Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada | Franciscan Missionaries of Mary | Global Catholic Climate Movement – Canada | Green Churches Network | Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception | Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice | KAIROS Canada | Martha Justice Ministry, Sisters of St. Martha | Mennonite Central Committee | Mercy Centre for Ecology and Justice | OMI Lacombe Province | OMI Notre Dame du Cap | Our Lady’s Missionaries | Presbyterian Church in Canada | Religions pour la Paix Québec – Interfaith Climate Action Committee | Scarboro Missions | Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception | Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions | Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul | Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada | Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto | The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) | The Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie | The United Church of Canada | World Renew
Learn more:
Media contact
Cheryl McNamara (she/her), Media and Advocacy Coordinator, KAIROS Canada, 416-875-0097 (mobile),
Karri Munn-Venn (she/elle), Senior Policy Analyst, Citizens for Public Justice, 613-232-0275, x 223,