Letters to the Editor: Women have role to play in peace & Crude on the move

letter to the editor

Women have role to play in peace

Re: Why are women not included in peace-building efforts? Opinion Jan. 10

The exclusion of women from peace-building efforts is perplexing. Not only does war impact women in a particular way, such as through sexual violence, but studies show that peace processes involving women are more equitable, inclusive and sustainable.

At KAIROS we: have seen first-hand how women’s rights organizations use advocacy training to empower victims of conflict to participate in long-term peace building. These organizations are effective because they respond to the local context.

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development has noticed, and recently recommended, that Canada make women, peace and security a priority of its foreign policy. This is encouraging, but what’s needed now is a budget and political will.

The Canadian government can make a significant difference on the world stage by committing multi-year development assistance to support these women’s rights organizations that are building peace in conflict-affected and fragile states.

Rachel Warden, Latin American Partnerships and Gender Justice program coordinator, KAIROS, Toronto

Originally published in the Toronto Star

Crude on the move

RE: B.C. Pipeline Fee Sets A Terrible Precedent (editorial, Jan. 17).

The Globe and Mail is upset that B.C.’s Premier negotiated up to $1-billion from Kinder Morgan in exchange for permission to expand the capacity of the Trans Mountain pipeline. The pipeline fee is tantamount to a tax on goods moving to market through a territory, argues your editorial, which says the role of companies is to create wealth and jobs.

Isn’t the role of government to protect citizens from harm? What price tag, then, should a government place on potential damage from spills of diluted bitumen?

Perhaps Christy Clark is setting a bad precedent after all. Perhaps her pipeline fee is too low.

Cheryl McNamara, Toronto

Originally published in the Globe and Mail

Filed in: Op Eds


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