Letter from Jennifer Henry to Toronto Star re. “Tories reject inquiry for missing Aboriginal women”

Jennifer Henry, executive director of KAIROS, gives a Reflection on water at Keepers of the Water: A Vigil of Lament and Celebration at Church of the Holy Trinity, Trinity Square on Wednesday, January 14, 2015. Photo/Michael Hudson
Connie Sorio and Rachel Warden

Connie Sorio and Rachel Warden at International Women’s Day 2014

My grief in reading “Conservatives reject inquiry for murdered, missing aboriginal women“, Saturday, March 8, 2014, was magnified by the fact it appeared on International Women’s Day.  On this day, when women around the world renew their call for “bread and roses, too,” the call from Indigenous women and their allies for a national inquiry into what is a national crisis is rejected.  When Aboriginal women in Canada are “three times as likely” to be targets of violence a public inquiry leading to a systemic action plan is not only required but essential, and long overdue.  This International Women’s Day I dream of a time when Aboriginal women in Canada can live without fear. Is that really too much to ask?

Letter to the Editor of the Toronto Star, Jennifer Henry

Filed in: Executive Director

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