KAIROS Women of Courage partners at the CSW65


March 8 is the annual International Women’s Day (IWD), observed throughout the world as a day of action for women, a time to reflect on and celebrate advances in gender equality, as well as raising awareness of the work left to be done. This year’s campaign theme is #ChooseToChallenge.  

The IWD theme is aligned with the priorities of the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CWS65): “Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”. In addition to persistent pre-existing social and systemic barriers to women’s participation and leadership, new barriers have emerged with the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has left a lasting impact on all aspects of our society, including rolling back limited progress in gender justice, and compounding existing obstacles including gender-based violence 

A delegation of 19, comprised of KAIROS Women of Courage partners from Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Israel/Palestine, the Philippines and South Sudan, is preparing to participate online in the CSW65 on March 15-26, 2021. Partners have reiterated many times over that in their various contexts, women remain significantly underrepresented in all aspects of decision-making and that violence against women is widespread. Similarly, partners in these regions have reported violent organized opposition to women’s rights movements. Through participation in the CSW65 forum, the delegates will learn creative ways of mastering advocacy and strengthen their voices in the efforts to eliminate violence against women. They will also have the opportunity to meet each other online, exchange experiences, analysis and strategies and collectively choose to challenge. These South-South opportunities are a fundamental pillar of the KAIROS Women of Courage program.  

Follow the KAIROS Women of Courage CSW65 reflections 

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage

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