KAIROS supports Global Launch of Investigate PH
Investigate PH is an independent, international investigation on human rights violations in the Philippines
KAIROS joins churches and civil society organizations and leaders from around the world in participating in InvestigatePH, an independent global initiative concerned with the current state of human rights situation in the Philippines.
InvertigatePH, which had its North America launch on January 26, has initiated an Independent International Commission of Investigation into human rights violations in the Philippines which will coincide with the upcoming sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), February-September 2021.
The International Commission aims to further substantiate the landmark June 2020 report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Philippine rights situation and to urge relevant UN bodies to make use of international mechanisms to hold perpetrators of human rights violations in the Philippines accountable for human rights violations and to deliver justice to victims.
KAIROS is privileged to be represented by Marie Claude Manga on this International Commission. Marie Claude is a United Church minister and member of KAIROS’ Partnership and Rights circle. She participated in the KAIROS delegation to the Philippines and continues to work actively for human rights in the Philippines.
Maire Claude writes the following about her participation on the Commission. Original is in French, English translation is below:
En 2013, j’ai fait partie d’une délégation Canadienne qui a visité les Philippines dans le cadre d’un voyage de solidarité avec les communautés rurales menacées par les exploitations minières ou directement touchées par les activités minières. Les activités entraînant une dégradation de l’environnement, des violations des droits humains, une militarisation de la société et autres impacts d’ordre social, économique, politique, etc.
Depuis ce voyage, ma vie a complètement changé. Je suis devenue l’amie de ce beau pays et de son peuple si accueillant. Je ne ménage pas mes efforts pour continuer à apprendre, à dénoncer au niveau local ce qui se passe aux Philippines et à encourager les initiatives de ceux et celles qui continuent à dénoncer les violences et les injustices que subit le peuple Philippin.
Aujourd’hui, je me sens privilégiée de participer à l’amplification de la voix des femmes et des hommes qui continuent à dénoncer, malgré les conséquences auxquelles ils s’exposent. Je suis reconnaissante et honorée de représenter KAIROS auprès d’Investigate PH et de m’impliquer dans ce processus qui s’assigne une mission humanitaire très louable.
Marie Claude’s remarks in English:
In 2013, I was part of a Canadian (KAIROS) solidarity delegation that visited the Philippines. We met with rural communities threatened and directly impacted by mining activities – activities leading to environmental degradation, human rights violations, militarization and other impacts of a social, economic, political… nature.
Since this trip, my life has changed completely. I have become a friend of this beautiful country and its welcoming people. I do my utmost to continue to learn, to speak out locally about what is happening in the Philippines and to encourage the initiatives of those who continue to speak out against the violence and injustices suffered by the Filipino people.
Today, I feel privileged to participate in amplifying the voices of women and men who continue to speak out, despite the risks. I am grateful and honored to represent KAIROS in Investigate PH and to be involved in this extremely laudable humanitarian and human rights mission.
For more information about the campaign visit the website www.investigate.ph.