KAIROS Christmas video for sharing

“This Christmas, let’s settle only for great joy—not for the few, the powerful, the privileged—but for all. Peace and goodwill for all peoples.”

Dear Friends,

With Christmas approaching, I would like to share with you a short video message and invite you to take a moment to watch it and share it with your family, friends and community. You are welcome to post it on Facebook and Twitter, show it in church and/or share it through your e-lists.

In the last few weeks I have been honoured to be with people who know all too well that peace and goodwill don’t arrive in tidy packages.  Our global partners have heard the message and choose to believe peace is possible. They dedicate their lives to the journey. We stand with them, as well as many partners in Canada who seek justice, and hope you do too.

We are always deeply grateful for your support—in your action and with your donations.

On behalf of the KAIROS community, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, peace and goodwill to all peoples.       

Jennifer Henry, Executive Director

Video Text

Peace on earth and good will to all.

This Christmas I am worried I might argue with the angels’ message.

Peace and good will.

We seem so far from this promise. In so many places brutal conflicts continue to rage. And polarization and hate seem on the rise. Everywhere. In these turbulent times, it is hard to believe.

Looking more closely in Luke’s story, I notice that the shepherds are not handed the Good News in a tidily wrapped present.  There’s a message, a promise, but they still need to go and find it. Believe the words. Choose to follow the signs. Embark on the journey. Claim the promise offered by that Child of Hope.

In Matthew’s story too, the magi must choose. Follow the star. Make the journey. And ultimately, guard and protect the fragile Hope that they find at the end of their search.

In the last few weeks I have been honoured to be with people who know all too well that peace and goodwill don’t arrive in tidy packages.  Mama Agnes and James from South Sudan, Anie and Vernie from the Philippines, Tarek and Lucy from Palestine—they have heard the message and choose to believe peace is possible. They dedicate their lives to the journey.

Gloria and Alexandra from Colombia, Gerard and Chantel from Democratic Republic of Congo—they claim the promise and commit to the search. Following the signposts to peace, they put their lives at risk.

Will we be companions on these journeys, and others closer to home—goodwill for all peoples—Indigenous, settler, and newcomer?  Will we claim the promise and follow the paths of justice towards peace and right relations? Will we guard and protect the fragile hope we find in one another along the way?  With these friends and other courageous activists as companions, how can we not?

This Christmas, let’s risk believing in that angel chorus. Let’s settle only for great joy—not for the few, the powerful, the privileged—but for all. Peace and goodwill for all peoples.

May we hear the promise, and look for the signs—kind gestures, new commitments, small changes—that urge us on.

With the confidence of the shepherds and the magi, claiming the hope in Divine solidarity, may we recommit to the journey of justice—especially in these turbulent times.

On behalf of the KAIROS community, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, peace and goodwill to all peoples.

Filed in: Executive Director, Spirited Reflections


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