Webinar recording: What’s next? Annexation, COVID-19 and Palestine

A discussion about human rights and women, peace and security in Palestine-Israel with our partner Wi’am and members of the KAIROS Palestine-Israel Delegation. Wi’am staff provides an update about their work and the current context including the impacts of COVID-19 and Annexation of Palestinian territories by Israel. Delegates discuss the actions that they’re undertaking to promote human rights and just peace in Palestine and Israel and share stories from their delegation in November 2019.   

The webinar features: 

From Wi’am: Palestinian Centre for Conflict Transformation: 

  • Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director  
  • Tarek Zoughbi, Project Officer and Youth Coordinator 
  • Lucy Talgieh, Women’s program coordinator 

From KAIROS delegation to Palestine and Israel: 

  • The Rev. Andreas Thiel, Rector of St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Windsor, Ontario 
  • The Rev. Mary Helen Smith, The Presbyterian Church in Canada 
  • Paul Hansen, Roman Catholic priest of the Redemptorist Congregation 
  • The Rev. Susan Johnson, National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada 
  • Lori Ransom, Indigenous Ministries and Justice, United Church of Canada 
  • Lana Robinson, Canadian Friends Service Committee of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers 
  • The Rev. Rosalyn Kantlaht’an Elm, Anglican Church Diocese of Huron  
  • Jennifer Henry, Executive Director, KAIROS 
  • Wendy Gichuru, United Church of Canada 

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage, Middle East


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