Federal Court of Canada to hear challenge to designation of the U.S. as a safe third country for refugees
KAIROS supports the legal challenge against the flawed Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States of America, and would like to call its members, migrant and refugee rights’ advocates to join the rally on November 4th at 12:30 pm in front of the Federal Court of Canada in Toronto, 180 Queen Street West.
The legal challenge was initiated by the Canadian Council of Churches, the Canadian Council for Refugees and Amnesty International, alongside with impacted individuals on July 17, 2017 to end the Safe Third Party Agreement as it violates Canadian law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canada’s adherence to binding international human rights obligations. The Federal Court of Canada will hear the challenge, listen to testimonies and receive evidences from November 4-8th.
Under the Safe Third Country Agreement, refugee seekers who crossed the border to Canada through the US are denied access to refugee protection and are sent back to the US subjecting them to different levels of persecution, including potential detention and deportation due to its flawed and weak refugee protection system.
Ending and withdrawing from the Agreement is the right thing to do! Show our collective support by joining the rally and be counted!
Read the news story on the hearing by the Canadian Council of Churches: Court to Hear Why Sending Refugee Claimants Back to the U.S. Breaks Canadian Law