Economic empowerment to address gender-based violence #16StoriesofCourage

Violence against women (VAW) is the most pervasive violation of human rights worldwide. VAW is also an economic issue, which carries significant costs to individuals, households, the public sector and society. In situations of protracted conflict, VAW includes economic abuse – controlling of assets and income, and limiting of women’s movement both at home and at work.  

Under the Women, Peace and Security program, Wi’am provides different economic empowerment workshops, teaching marketing skills and product development, among other concepts. This helps enhance the capacity and confidence of women, enabling positive spaces for sustainable business entrepreneurship.  

Badriyah, a woman who lost her husband, participated in an economic empowerment workshop and was able to seek further help, develop a network and put these tools and skills into action by establishing an embroidery initiative for women of Sureef in Hebron District in the West Bank. Following her participation in these workshops, Badriyah engaged her local community and found that many women were in similar situations and in need of finding secondary and primary sources of income for their households. She began with an embroidery initiative and her network has expanded from a one-woman business to a 15 women initiative.  

The economic empowerment program is helping to address systemic issues such as increased rates of unemployment, rising levels of poverty and food insecurity that affect women in a differential and disproportionate way.  

2021 is KAIROS’ 20th Anniversary. This Giving Tuesday, support women working for human rights in the West Bank and your gift will be tripled. Please, give generously today. Help us continue our mission for another 20 years! [button: Donate for 3x impact] 

Filed in: Gender Justice/Women of Courage


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