Durban COP17 — Meeting our Partners

By Jim Davis

I am ensconced in Durban for the start of the  climate negotiations as an accredited civil society observer with the World Council of Churches (WCC).   I must say, however, that we are all chagrined by the ongoing speculation that the Government of Canada is planning to pull out of the Kyoto Protocol.

Nevertheless, I continue to hope  that the rainbow nation of South Africa, having overcome Apartheid, may have moral suasion over recalcitrant nations like Canada.

There are many  KAIROS friends and partners here in Durban; so far I have met up with the four funded KAIROS partners whose travel to Durban was facilitated by KAIROS.  They are: Jackson Kentebe (who goes by “Ken”), coordinator of Oilwatch Africa, Dr. Julia Edwards, a meteorologist and British Methodist who works on research and policy issues with the Pacific Conference of Churches; Georgine Kenge Dejeutane, regional secretary of the World Student Christian Federation – Africa Region, and Ivonne Yanez, coordinator of Oilwatch South America.  In addition, I’ve connected with Caroline Foster, KAIROS’ young adult and network coordinator who is also here in Durban.

The COP17 Faith Secretariat organized an orientation and meal at the Diakonia Centre upon our arrival. It will be a busy two weeks here in Durban. I look forward to telling you more of what we and our partners are up to.

Georgine speaks with a bishop of the Church of Norway at the Diakonia Centre orientation meal.

One of the nerve centres at the Faith Secretariat in Durban

Eleanor Richards and associates looking for materials at the Faith Secretariat

Filed in: Ecological Justice

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