Christmas Message from KAIROS Canada

KAIROS Christmas Video Image

Dear Friends,

The Christmas season is here, with its promise of hope and peace. In our world, marred by war, oppression and ecological harm, it’s a promise that resonates with our deepest longing.

This brief KAIROS Christmas video captures images from some of this year’s work.  It’s a hopeful vision, and I invite you to share it with your family and friends. Please post it on Facebook. Tweet it. Share it on your congregration or community e-lists. Show it in your church.  I know that we share this commitment, this hope.

On behalf of the Board, staff, partners, and volunteers, I thank you for all the ways you support us.  Peace and happiness to you this Christmas and throughout the New Year.

Jennifer Henry
Executive Director

PS: We invite you to make a Gift of Sharing this Christmas with a donation to KAIROS in honour of a loved one.

For a longer spirited reflection based on the theme of the video, see

Filed in: Executive Director, Spirited Reflections


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