Call for stronger climate action (sign e-petition)
As people of faith, called to love and care for all creation, we feel that it is important to speak into the current moment, shaped by both the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate emergency. That is why For the Love of Creation has launched an e-petition calling on the Government of Canada to:
- commit to reducing Canadian GHG emissions by 60 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, and invest in a just transition;
- honour the rights of Indigenous Peoples;
- commit equal support for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the Global South; and
- respond to the pandemic in the Global South.
The abrupt shift in human behaviour in response to the pandemic has resulted in very modest – but largely unsustainable – greenhouse gas emissions reductions and demonstrated the need for far-reaching systems change to stay within the temperature limits determined by science. We have an opportunity to build back better.
The For the Love of Creation e-petition will be open signatures until October 6, 2020.
Please take a moment to sign and share the petition with friends and family.
For the Love of Creation is a faith-based initiative for climate justice, bringing together Canadian faith communities and organizations under a unified banner to mobilize Canada-wide education, reflection, action and advocacy for climate justice.