Systemic Racism

Online - Zoom

We are happy to announce the LITS Circle presentation by Mary-Anne Kechego on Tuesday, April 9 6:30-8:30 p.m. EDT.

Mary-Anne’s presentation will be informative and engaging about what it means to live in a systemic racist country as an Indigenous person.

Prior registration is required via Eventbrite at



Watershed Re-Orientation Workshop

Online, EASTERN Time Zone

This workshop is part of Water Watchers' Watershed 4 event series: Towards Decolonizing & Water Justice. Event 3: Watershed Re-Orientation Beth loves maps and in her own journey of decolonization she has explored how mapping, as a largely colonial exercise,...

Webinar: Climate Change, Eco-anxiety and Habits of Hope

Online, EASTERN Time Zone

Forest fires, floods, droughts, severe storms, deforestation, pollution. Across Canada, people face the terrible impacts of ecological destruction and climate crises. No matter how different people are impacted by environmental destruction or the climate crisis, these experiences can cause high...

Hungering for Justice

Online - Zoom

Hungering for Justice Once again, Naulaq Ledrew returns for a LITS Circle event on Food Scarcity in the North. Join us for an engaging evening on WHY 69% of Inuit households are food insecure and how we might help to...


Strong Indigenous Voices and their Role

In this engaging event with Tina Stevens, Tina will describe the importance of hearing the wisdom of Indigenous Voices, the role these can have for us allies to make wiser choices. We so often think that we non-indigenous people have...
