Youth are in the streets, the chanting starts, just a few voices at first. “We are unstoppable, another world is possible” is building in a loud, ruckus crescendo. “WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!”
That is the energy we will bring to this virtual moment of learning and action; building momentum as we join together from coast to coast to coast to:
- hear from young justice leaders,
- dig deeper into the Indigenous, climate and migrant justice issues we care about,
- and act together in real time to show how very unstoppable we youth are.
We will begin from a place of gratitude for the gifts of mother earth, then hear from several experienced, trailblazing young activists in Canada and the Global South who have partnered with KAIROS along the way. This is an incredible way to mark KAIROS’ 20th anniversary by discovering the issues these young activists are most passionate about and learning how we can all make a difference, in big and small ways, right now and as we look ahead into the future.
And, by the way, the Youth Poster Contest winners will be announced at the event. We are so excited to share your visions and amplify your voices. All art is welcome – poetry, painting, digital posters and more. Have you made your submission yet?
See you there!