A workshop led by KAIROS’ Ecological Justice Program Coordinator, Amelia Berot-Burns, that offers learning, listening, and action opportunities on local water issues. We seek to develop a connection with the watershed in which we live, on a path towards reconciled relationships with Indigenous Peoples.
A significant workshop for educators, environmentalists, activists and those interested in local issues. UCM is a welcoming congregation.
Special guests include:
Dr Gail Krantzberg, McMaster University
Bob Morris, Credit Valley Conservation Authority
Cat Criger, Elder in Residence at University of Toronto Mississauga
To register please visit https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/reconciliation-in-our-watershed-tickets-56215062766
The workshop cost is a sliding scale between $30 and $50.
For more information please contact Amelia Berot-Burns at aberotburns@kairoscanada.org or 416 463 5312 Ext. 225