Decolonizing climate policy means changing the deeper, systemic factors that cause ecological injustices and human rights violations. During KAIROS Climate Action Month 2022, supporters are called on to advocate for the Canadian federal government to pass several private members’ bills. One bill is intended to enact a national strategy to address environmental racism and promote environmental justice. Two other bills mandate increased corporate accountability in resource extraction and call for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence.
On Thursday, September 8 there will be two opportunities – 12:00 pm (Noon) Eastern or 8:00 pm Eastern – to join advocates across the country for an online letter-writing session. The three bills will be explained in greater detail, sample letters will be provided, and KAIROS staff will be available to offer letter writing tips and answer questions. Come prepared for your preferred writing style – pen & paper or online document. Be inspired by others, and work collectively for the greatest impact. Invite your family and friends!
Register here for the daytime option (12:00pm EDT)!
Register here for the evening option (8:00 PM EDT)!
Help us spread the word. Invite your friends on Facebook for the daytime or the evening option.