Opportunities and highlights from the Regional Gatherings

The three KAIROS regional gatherings – Great Lakes-St. Lawrence, Prairies North, and Atlantic – that happened in November were opportunities to share how the KAIROS network is learning and acting for justice, particularly for reconciliation. You may also be interested in reading Reflections on the Regional Gatherings.
Reading and learning
Many KAIROS groups took advantage of fewer in person gatherings to do more reading and discussing of great books or films. Here are some of the titles from the past year:
- 21 Things You May Not Know about the Indian Act, Bob Joseph
- Fratelli Tutti, an encyclical by Pope Francis
- Indigenous Writes, Chelsea Vowel
- How We Go Home, Sara Sinclair.
- Indian Horse, film based on a novel by the same name, Richard Wagamese
- Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan, Harold Cardinal and Walter Hildebrandt
UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES: If you are interested in discussing either of the following books, please contact the email address listed.
Halfbreed by Maria Campbell: The Treaty Land Sharing Network will be offering a new book club in January on Halfbreed. Contact info@treatylandsharingnetwork.ca to receive information.
Living Treaties: Narrating Mi’kmaw Treaty Relations by Marie Battiste: Lisa Perley-Dutcher recommended this book at the KAIROS Atlantic Gathering. Dianne Climenhage of the KAIROS Atlantic Coordinating Committee will facilitate a reading group meeting weekly or bi-weekly in the new year. Please contact Dianne [DianneClimenhage@mcccanada.ca] to express your interest.
Gathering and partnerships
A few examples of the types of local events that were held and partnerships sustained this year:
- We held a vigil at the Little Current United church for the 215 children found in Kamloops. Chief Patsy Corbiëre from Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nations came to speak.
- World Water Day
- Good Friday Walk
- a vigil for community neighbours who have died due to drug overdoses
- Indigenous People’s Day, June 21 – group members went to different community gatherings
- ongoing Listening Post ministry
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day)
- environment group with members beyond our city
- working with Together Alberta and Alberta Beyond Coal
- Justice Peace and Social Action committee of a local congregation, part of Living into Right Relations
- KAIROS Affordable Housing Working Group.
- KAIROS Prairies North “Decolonization Group”
- Treaty Land Sharing Network (TLSN)
Simcoe County KAIROS held ZOOM meetings with two area MPP’s to introduce them to KAIROS, encourage their support for TRC 62.i, and discuss Indigenous justice and reconciliation concerns.
Ottawa KAIROS has long been focused on advocacy for Indigenous rights. The highlight for all of the Ottawa KAIROS members during these past few years was the June 2021 passage by the Senate of Bill C-15, An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Ottawa coordinator writes, “Despite its flaws, the enactment of its provisions means that Canadian laws can now be assessed against the minimum standards of Indigenous Rights established by the United Nations Declaration. As Ellen Gabriel said, “this Act isn’t exactly what we want, but we can fix it later. I am looking at it as a turn toward a better direction for the future.”
Unique online experiences explored at the Gatherings
MORE OPPORTUNITIES TO GET INVOLVED: Each of the regional coordinating committees is open to new membership. See the Network page for contacts or email connect@kairoscanada.org. The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Coordinating Committee is seeking a Social Media Coordinator, as well as a Montreal or other Quebec representative.