KAIROS welcomes Leah Reesor-Keller as Interim Executive Director

Leah Reesor-Keller
Leah Reesor-Keller

KAIROS Canada is delighted to announce that, effective September 25, 2023, Leah Reesor-Keller will serve as KAIROS’ Interim Executive Director for an eight-month term.  

Leah brings to the role 18 years of experience working with faith-based and social justice organizations in Canada, Haiti, Jamaica and Nepal, including serving as executive minister for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada from 2020-2022 where she led a participatory re-visioning process. 

Leah has served with KAIROS member Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in Nepal as Country Representative and Food Security Advisor, and in Jamaica as a volunteer with the Independent Jamaican Council for Human Rights. Leah has also worked with agricultural cooperatives in Haiti, as well as with refugee claimant support and child poverty social services programs in Ontario’s Waterloo Region. 

Leah regularly writes, preaches, and leads workshops on faith-based responses to the climate crisis and inclusive leadership. Her nonfiction book Tending Tomorrow: Courageous Change for People and Planet on faith, leadership and culture change in the context of the climate crisis will come out in June 2024 with publisher Herald Press.  

“I’m honoured to join KAIROS to support the important work happening in Canada and with KAIROS’ international partners to move the needle on justice and peace,” says Leah. “The witness of churches and faith-based organizations working together to advocate for human rights and ecological justice has never been more crucial. I’m thrilled to offer my gifts in service of the staff team, members and partners to support KAIROS in moving its mission forward.” 

Leah lives with her spouse and young children on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee Peoples, land which is part of the Haldimand Tract in Kitchener, Ontario. 

Leah steps in after Aisha Francis stepped down as Executive Director in August. 

Filed in: Executive Director


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