KAIROS 20th anniversary call for submissions

KAIROS 20th anniversary

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KAIROS is celebrating 20 years as an ecumenical justice organization! Join us in rejoicing and reenergizing our commitment to this work! In this present KAIROS moment, a time laden with meaning and opportunity, we invite you to look back in reflection and dream about the future.

We need your help to mark this anniversary, celebrate this milestone, and look towards the future, our future as KAIROS, over the next 20 years. Following are three ways you can participate.


You can upload up to 20MB with each submission. Multiple submissions are permitted. If you encounter any issues, please contact us at newmedia@kairoscanada.org.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Submission (enter text directly or upload file(s), max size 20MB)

1- Share photos or video clips of your fondest KAIROS memories

With each photo or video clip include a caption with the following details, to the best of your ability:

  • Date
  • Names of people
  • Details of the event or circumstance of the gathering.
  • Credit (if none is provided, attribution will be given to the person who made the submission).
  • Optionally, briefly describe why it is meaningful.
  • A special appeal for memories of the early years of KAIROS, and moments of humour or joy.

2- Write a brief statement of gratitude

Has someone or something (a KAIROS event, workshop, initiative or campaign) impacted your life, your work, or your community in some significant way that you would like to tell us about? 

3- Write a long-form spiritual reflection or essay

Maximum length is 3000 words. Some ideas include:

  • Stories: What has KAIROS meant to you? How have you engaged in faithful action for justice within the KAIROS movement? What have you gained or learned over the last 20 years as a KAIROS companion? What is your most memorable KAIROS moment?
  • Reflection on the KAIROS Movement: How or in what ways has KAIROS made a difference in working towards a more just and sustainable world?  What have we as KAIROS learned as a movement over the last 20 years about working for societal transformation and social justice? 
  • Looking ahead to 2041: What do we want to see KAIROS move towards, become, and adapt to in the current and evolving global context over the next 20 years?  What is our vision for the difference we see KAIROS making from 2021 to 2041?

How KAIROS may use your contribution

  • On the KAIROS website and social media.
  • In our Wheel of Memories app. that will be launched in July 2021
  • In both digital and print resources to be shared with the network. A booklet will be published in 2022.
  • In a fundraising appeal.

Some extra benefits for your participation

  • Those whose content was selected for the booklet will receive a complimentary copy as well as a resource package.
  • The person whose photo is selected for the cover of the booklet will receive a complimentary KAIROS workshop or webinar for a group of participants. 
  • Anyone submitting a long-paper may be asked to participate in a panel discussion or lead a workshop during a three-day celebratory online gathering from October 26-28, 2021. Those who are available and agree to participate will receive honoraria for their time. 

Over the last 20 years you have stood united with KAIROS through change, transformation and celebration. You have deliberated on issues of common concern and provided a voice for justice, kindness and humble accompaniment of KAIROS partners near and far. You have advocated for social change. You have campaigned with us for ecological justice and Indigenous rights around the world. You have empowered the KAIROS movement, responding to Christ’s call for engagement in social transformation. You have lived out your faith in action working for justice and peace. 

As we celebrate 20 years as a united movement, we ask that you reflect on all the times you have participated in KAIROS moments:  events, workshops, partner tours, advocacy initiatives, calls to action, and all the others ways you have lived out your role as a KAIROS companion in the last 20 years. We are planning a celebration beginning in the summer culminating with in-person and virtual gatherings in the Fall of 2021. We hope you will join us in whatever way you are able! With thanks and gratitude for your contributions past, present and future! 

Filed in: #KAIROS20 Anniversary


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