The #1 Action We Can Take for the Climate

Day 2 - Climate Action Challenge

According to climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, the number one thing we can do to address climate change is the exact thing that many of us are not doing: talking about it.

“We can’t give in to despair. We have to go out and look for the hope we need to inspire us to act — and that hope begins with a conversation, today.” 

Katharine Hayhoe

Hayhoe also suggests approaching the conversation from your personal experience. People may glaze over the science and data of climate change, but personal experience and stories of the changes we are already experiencing can make an impression. 


Watch Katharine Hayhoe’s Ted Talk and her PBS program Global Weirding. 


Have a conversation with someone about climate change today.  You don’t need lots of facts and data to get the conversation rolling, just start talking about what is already happening (what changes are we already experiencing from climate change), what values we have in common, and the future you envision for the world. 

dogwood flower

Today’s flower on the
Climate Action Card is

Filed in: Ecological Justice

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