Climate Action Month Day 1: Launching the calendar

Today’s Resource:

September is Climate Action Month at KAIROS!

Throughout the month, we will highlight the work that our members, networks and others are doing to address the climate crisis. Every day, we will share resources and post events, blogs, and environmental challenges – or some combination of all three! Events and resources will be regional, national and international in scope. Climate Action Month is a KAIROS initiative intended to further reconciliation by encouraging discussion and reflection on how climate change and Indigenous issues are deeply interwoven. 


Your #30DayKAIROSChallenge

Take the stairs instead of an elevator
Did you know – If you take two flights of stairs every day, you’re saving about 72 kilowatts of power each year. Each of those days equals about 90 cents a year in energy costs. An elevator uses about 100 Watt hours per round trip per person – that is approximately how much a desktop computer and monitor use in 30 minutes (Source: Elevators Vs Stairs, By Trent Wright) 

Filed in: Ecological Justice


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