Posts Tagged "kairos blanket exercise youth exchange with guatemala"
Seeds of Truth: Together We Can Accomplish Great Things
September 7, 2017
As part of the Canadian-Guatemalan Blanket Exercise Youth Exchange, I’ve spent the past 7 days learning from Indigenous leaders in Guatemala about their lived experiences. They have helped me to better understand the human rights violations that have occurred, and…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Seeds of Truth: Revolutions, Not Just Reconciliation! #IndigenaSolutions
September 5, 2017
Searching for Indigenous, or Indigena (the Spanish word for Indigenous that is used in Guatemala) solutions for change is a task many revolutionaries have taken on across the world, and it can be complex. If you’re from Canada you will…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Seeds of Truth: A Tale of Two Mountains (Part 1)
August 31, 2017
We arrived in Guatemala City late Saturday night. Inside the hostel there was a bare wall where a lonely 14 inch TV aired the McGregor / Mayweather fight. What a spectacle. I knew before attending this exchange that there are…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Seeds of Truth: On our way to Guatemala
August 30, 2017
It was so exciting – and such a relief – to meet up with members of the KAIROS Blanket Exercise Youth Exchange at the airport this afternoon before boarding our flight to Guatemala. Although we’ve had several orientation conference calls…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Seeds of Truth: Indigenous women, food security and the genocide of the Americas
August 24, 2017
My name is Tyra Cox and I am of Sahtu Dene and Anishinaabe lineage within Canada (North America). As an Indigenous women, there were very specific areas of Indigenous rights that I wanted to explore on the journey with Central…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Seeds of Truth: Healing Together
August 16, 2017
I’m fortunate to be a part of the first KAIROS Blanket Exercise youth exchange to Guatemala being organized in partnership with Breaking the Silence and New Hope Foundation, Guatemala At the end of May, we had the opportunity to meet…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Seeds of Truth: The Value of Traditional Crafts
July 20, 2017
I have the privilege of being one of the participants of the KAIROS Guatemala Youth Exchange, and it has been an amazing experience so far. I am a settler living in unceded Mi’kmaq territory under the Peace and Friendship treaties…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Seeds of Truth: The KAIROS Blanket Exercise through Guatemalan eyes
July 10, 2017
Excerpts from an Interview with Lilian Bolvito Gonzalez on Radio Canada International, June 24, 2017 Radio Canada: We will now chat with a Guatemalan youth who participated in the Blanket Exercise on June 2 on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Her name…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America
Seeds of Truth: Reflections on the KAIROS Blanket Exercise and Youth Exchange with Guatemala
June 27, 2017
I’ve only had the opportunity to experience the KAIROS Blanket Exercise (KBE) once prior to the one I participated in leading up to the Kitchi Blanket Exercise on Parliament Hill on June 2. When I first tried the KBE, it…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights
Seeds of Truth: Reflection on the KAIROS Blanket Exercise Youth Exchange with Guatemala orientation
June 6, 2017
“These bean seeds in my pocket keep me mindful of Mother Earth; they keep me grounded.” ~ Hannah “These Amaranth seeds are to share. Go ahead, eat them. Amaranth was once nearly wiped out in my area of Guatemala, but now…
Post filed in: Indigenous Rights, Latin America