Re-Energize: Time for a Carbon Sabbath (pdf) (2007)


A variety of materials for inspiration, from worship to workshops to a 100 Mile Church picnic, to deepen your understanding on the climate crisis and help you practice a lower-carbon lifestyle.


As Christians, we sense that climate change requires more than a quick technological fix. The climate crisis is also a crisis of human identity. Who are we? What is our relationship to the rest of creation? If we are to be faithful witnesses to God’s love for the world, then the answers require a conversion in how we live our lives on this fragile planet.

As people of faith, we are summoned to view the earth as not simply a source of resource extraction and wealth generation, but as a community in which we live and move and have our being.Faith requires us to defend the rights and dignity of our brothers and sisters in other parts of the globe, many of whom are already suffering the effects of climate change. Those least responsible for climate change will endure its harshest impacts.

This is not an easy moment. It will require sacrifice. But it is a decisive moment – a kairos moment – in which we can make a new global covenant and live out our Christian call with fresh vigor.

“Let us all make every effort possible, each from where God has placed us, to rein in our reckless over-consumption, so that the harmonious workings of this planet, our common home, may be restored and that we and our children may enjoy in peace all the good things which God has created and offers to all.”
-Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Encyclical for Day of the Protection of Natural Environment

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