Participate in a Green New Deal for Canada

The pact for a Green New Deal is a collaborative attempt to make the climate emergency a political priority. This national call to action is supported by over 60 organizations, including KAIROS.
The pact goes beyond tackling the climate crisis to include other societal challenges such as “injustices in Indigenous communities, job losses, rising racism, and economic inequality.” Signatories of the pact hope to develop a plan “to meet the science of climate change, see the full implementation of UNDRIP, FPIC, and the TRC recommendations, and fix our broken economic and social systems.”
While this pact shares its name with a stimulus package created in the United States, the Canadian pact is significantly different because it directly involves the people it will impact. To effectively meet everyone’s needs, the Canadian Green New Deal must be shaped by Canadians. Between May 20-26 communities interested in forming the new vision for our country will be hosting town halls to discuss what to include in a Canadian Green New Deal. From these grassroots conversations, the blueprint for a safe and prosperous future will emerge.
The pact for a Green New Deal aligns with the KAIROS understanding that all social justice issues are intertwined. To forge a new future for ourselves we need to work together to acknowledge and eliminate all forms of oppression.
To solve Canada’s systemic injustices, we need a rapid and radical social transition that is supported by the public. Once there is enough of a public outcry, the federal government will be compelled to act in a way that brings about change. This is not a partisan issue. Our environment is in imminent danger and the social fabric of our country is fraying. In this crucial election year, the considerations of a Green New Deal should be at the fore of Canadians’ minds.
Sign the pact for a Green New Deal here:
Sign up to any town hall conversations near you here: and/or sign up to host a town hall.
Watch a short informational video published by The Leap here: