KAIROS welcomes news of a ceasefire in Gaza

Gaza Ceasefire
Gaza Ceasefire

We welcome the news of a ceasefire in Gaza and pray for it to take hold. After 15 months of relentless war and unimaginable human suffering, we long deeply to see permanent ceasefire, release of all hostages and detainees, and for a just and lasting peace for all Palestinians and Israelis including an end to occupation. KAIROS and its predecessor coalitions’ partnerships in Israel and Palestine date back over 40 years. We continue to work with our grassroots human rights and peacebuilding civil society partners in the region who risk their lives daily to hold onto the imagination for peace with dignity and justice for all Palestinians and all Israelis. 

In May 2024, the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage: Canadian Churches for Just Peace, organized by KAIROS Canada and its member churches, brought the calls of the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage to Parliament Hill in Ottawa. This event was the culmination of pilgrimages taking place across Canada, and in solidarity with many around the world, to deliver these calls to action: 

  • Enduring and sustained ceasefire;   
  • Immediate flow of life saving food, water, aid, fuel and humanitarian assistance;   
  • Release of all captives, including Israeli hostages and Palestinian detainees; 
  • End all arms transfers to Israel; 
  • End of occupation so a just peace can begin.  

As part of this temporary ceasefire deal, we reiterate these calls for enduring peace, justice and accountability for all those affected. 

In solidarity with our partner organizations in the region, we lament, pray and act for peace with justice to take root. 

National Press Gallery Press Conference cpac video, May 22 

Hill Times Op Ed – Christian leaders urge Canada to end cycle of violence in Israel and Palestine 

Just Peace in the Middle East Ecumenical Hub 

Take action: 

Donate now to support the work of grassroots human rights defenders and peacebuilding organizations in Israel and Palestine 

Visit KAIROS’ Middle East Partners Page to learn more and donate. 

By Leah Reesor-Keller, KAIROS’ Transitional Executive Director 

Filed in: Human Rights, Middle East, Palestine Israel Conflict

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