Introducing Noble Wadzah – Oil Watch Africa/Ghana

Image of Noble Wadzah. Text: Noble Wadzah, Oill Watch Africa. Hashtag Decolonize Climate Action

Meet Noble Wadzah, Coordinator of Oil Watch Africa’s chapter in Ghana, Oil Watch Ghana, a KAIROS Global Solidarity partner. Noble’s work focuses on energy transition as expressed in Oil Watch’s Africa campaign: “Leave the Oil in the Soil.” This campaign is based on the need to transition away from fossil fuel energy, in such a way that the world can become a more sustainable place for all. 

Noble has agreed to join the KAIROS delegation to lend his experience and expertise advocating against fossil fuels and extractivism, as well as working on sustainable climate justice and adaptation in Ghana and Africa as a whole. 

About the impacts of climate change in Ghana, Noble states: 

“At the country level, it affects agriculture and people’s livelihood, especially those who rely on agriculture. If you go to some parts of the country as well, you can see how communities have been displaced by climate change creating climate refugees, struggling to build a new life in new environments. 

“This is affecting the whole west African region. The quality of the water and the mangroves is changing, communities are no longer able to make a living off their primary economic activities that were traditionally known nor are they able to adapt to these new realities.” 

To the Canadian government, Noble asks: 

“I think that developed countries should do more to assist us in these situations and I call upon the Government of Canada to invest more into adaptation funded technologies that would help developing economies like Ghana. This would enable us all to contribute to a sustainable world.” 

Watch Noble’s introductory video  

Filed in: Africa, Ecological Justice, Gender Justice/Women of Courage

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