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EventsKAIROS BC/Yukon Fall Gathering: OUT of the Ashes | New/Ancient Stories Still Rise UP

Friday, October 4, 2024 EDT @ 4:00 pm - Sunday, October 6, 2024 EDT @ 3:00 pm

New green groundcover beneath burned tree trunks depicts the title, "Out of the Ashes"

KAIROS BC/Yukon Fall Gathering

Out of the Ashes: New/Ancient Stories Still Rise UP

Join us for a coming together of people who are on fire for justice and hold a deep concern for our Earth as climate chaos takes hold and modernity collapses…How then shall we live? What will rise out of the ashes? And which stories will carry us through? Register here.

Music leadership by Juanita Austin.

Storytellers for the weekend include:

KENTHEN THOMAS from the Secwepemc’ulucw (territory of the Secwépemc).
Storyteller and theatre artist Kenthen Thomas’ past performances have included stints with Salmon Arm Roots n’ Blues Festival, Secwépemc Native Theatre, Dreamweaver Theatre (Simon Fraser University), Sen’Klip Native Theatre, Caravan Farm Theatre and Shuswap Theatre. He also contributed narration in the CBC’s Legends series that appeared nationwide in 2006. He has also been an educator with School District #73.
Kenthen captivates audiences with his fascinating retellings of legends of the Secwépemc, his family land for more than 10,000 years. This is where his late grandmother, respected and even legendary Secwépemc elder, the late Dr. Mary Thomas, taught him the traditional art of storytelling.

LEAH REESOR-KELLER, Transitional Executive Director, KAIROS Canada
Leah has worked with faith-based and social justice organizations in Canada, Haiti, Jamaica and Nepal, including serving as executive minister for Mennonite Church Eastern Canada. She is the author of the nonfiction book Tending Tomorrow: Courageous Change for People and Planet (available now on Amazon). Leah holds an MA in Development Studies from York University, and a BA in Political Science and Peace & Conflict Studies from University of Waterloo.

ANDREW MOORE – architect, musician, film-maker and short-story writer 

Andrew has been working for 40 years in the field of community development. He has worked extensively with all levels of government, the private sector, and grassroots organizations in Canada, the UK, and South Africa. For the last 14 years, he has been employed by T’Sou-ke First Nation working on their reserve to transform their visions into reality with major renewable energy, greenhouse, seafood and cultural projects completed. He is also supporting Lytton First Nation recovery as Project Manager with funding from Crown Indigenous Relations Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC). The first building after the fire, a $1M traditional meeting space, is due for completion by October 2024.

Register here.

What to expect: 

In the beautiful, natural setting that is Sorrento, we will explore, connect and regenerate ourselves through a variety of experiential learning opportunities built around this question:

What are the stories we need to hear now?  


  • that help us discern our purpose as human beings
  • that deconstruct modernity and the colonial project
  • that connect and build relationships for the long haul
  • that teach us how to manage from a place of wonder, awe and abundance for all of Creation
  • that promote healing and loving 

Together we will go on a journey, using conversation circles, special speakers, Indigenous wisdom, guided walks, meditation, prayer, music, worship, art-making and much more…

If you are

  • Watching global events and worrying about the future
  • Doing what you can to live lightly on our Earth but wondering if that’s enough
  • Feeling frustrated because too many people are not connecting the dots about what’s really happening politically, economically and ecologically
  • Needing to deepen your spiritual grounding for the path you are walking
  • Looking for real connections with other people who get where you are coming from

Then you need to be a part of this year’s BC-Yukon KAIROS Regional Gathering at Sorrento Centre, October 4-October 6th.

Register here.

“In practical terms, what do we do? My pedagogical response is deep-end” learning. We face our fears and the ugly realities we have had to deny in order to remain comfortable, we bust our illusions, we get uncomfortable, we get real. We expand notions of existence, belonging, self-worth and fulfilment beyond markets, states, cities, techno-dreams, and narcissistic individualism. We learn to trust and to walk differently with one another in a long and foggy road. Like Bauman explains with reference to Goethe, we realize that happiness is not a row of uninterrupted better and better pleasures”, but is found in the overcoming of challenges, in the struggle for survival, for well being.”           

Dr. Vanessa Andreotti, Dean of UVic Faculty of Education, and author of Hospicing Modernity: Facing Humanity’s Wrongs and Implications for Social Activism.

To help us with our planning, please register ASAP. Registration deadline for in-person participation is September 18. No changes or refunds can be made after this date.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Questions: justin.arseneault.bc@gmail.com

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