Earth Week 2021

The theme of Earth Day this year is Restore Our Earth. The COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have painfully reminded us about the impacts of human behaviour that break down natural systems and threaten the lives of so many species, including humans. Restore Our Earth reminds us of the opportunity we have to restore relationship, to reconnect with Creation, and learn to live in right relationship with people and the earth.
According to, “We must Restore Our Earth not just because we care about the natural world, but because we live on it. Every one of us needs a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health & survival, and happiness. A healthy planet is not an option — it is a necessity.”
Earth Day 2021 also marks the first anniversary of For the Love of Creation. Since April 2020, this faith-based collaboration for climate justice has grown from an idea to a network that has engaged the hearts and minds of over 2500 Canadians, reached into the House of Commons, across border and time zones, and across faith traditions. For the Love of Creation is currently building momentum for climate action in Canada through its Faith-in-Action campaign. Join the campaign today!
For the Love of Creation will host two events during Earth Week and several others are planned by ecumenical partners. We hope you will join us in marking this week by spending time together in community online and finding ways to connect with Creation.

Creation Care as Self Care
4 pm EDT on zoom
Join us on Earth Sunday for a contemplative gathering with music, prayer and meditation hosted by Anna-Bigland Pritchard and Sabrina Di Matteo. For the Love of Creation will introduce a new contemplation resource at this event, which will be available for use during Earth Week and at any time of year.

Voices for Peace 2021 – Radical Hope, Radical Resistance
Recovering our Roots in the Community of Creation with Sylvia Keesmaat
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
In advance of Earth Day, we will hear from organic farmer, biblical scholar, teacher, and author Sylvia Keesmaat. Sylvia will discuss Recovering our Roots in the Community of Creation. She asks, “What if radical hope and radical resistance meant recovering the deep relationality of Creator and creation? What if such resistance re-placed us in our true story – a story of healing that flows through God, creation, and ourselves?”
Karri Munn-Venn of Citizens for Public Justice will respond, linking us to events and actions from the For the Love of Creation Faith-in-Action campaign.
NB: Please send inquiries regarding this event to

For the Love of Creation Earth Day Celebration
1 pm EDT on zoom
Join us on Earth Day to celebrate the 1st anniversary of For the Love of Creation and participate in a discussion about how we can discern and nurture our gifts for climate action.
Stay tuned to KAIROS and For the Love of Creation for other events planned during Earth Week.