Climate Action Month wrap up

Day 30 - Climate Action Challenge

Today we wrap up the second annual Climate Action Month.  For the last 30 days, we have reflected, gained new understanding, amplified voices, lamented, celebrated, and taken collective action to address the climate crisis.  The content, events, and actions that KAIROS shared this month were intended to motivate and awaken a daily practice for climate action not just in September but for the whole year through.  

There is no doubt the climate is in crisis, but how much in crisis really depends on us.  Humanity can choose to exacerbate this crisis or we can choose to change direction. We have the ability to alter our course. We have the ability to repair our relationship with the Earth and all living things. We have the ability to listen to the wisdom of the earth and its First Peoples. We have the power to call on our governments to take more ambitious action. We have the power to demand equality. We have a voice to share our own climate story and to move a family member, friend, or community member from concern to action.  Let us continue in this work together – in hope, in solidarity, and with common vision for a future where the integrity of the planet and the dignity of all peoples is respected.  

Take a look back at this month’s content and actions and consider how you can engage on these issues in your community in the coming year. For more information on KAIROS’ climate justice work, please contact Beth Lorimer at   


“Wisdom of the Elders” is a sermon by KAIROS Executive Director Jennifer Henry. It was delivered to Church of the Redeemer in Toronto as part of a worship service on the Season of Creation.  Watch the full service.


Colour and post your Climate Action Challenge Card  to social media using #KAIROSClimateAct and #30DayKAIROSchallenge for your chance to win a copy of Jen Gobby’s More Powerful Together: Conversations with Climate Activists and Indigenous Land Defenders, or a print by French/Indigenous artist Alanah Jewell of Morning Star Designs.  

You can also use our 30 Day Challenge Card at any time of year to organize your own climate action challenge or a collective challenge with friends or members of your community.  

cherry blossom flower

Today’s flower on the
Climate Action Card is cherry blossom

Filed in: Ecological Justice

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