A Christmas Video for Sharing from Leah Reesor-Keller, KAIROS’ Transitional Executive Director

We are thrilled to share with you a short video message from Leah Reesor-Keller, KAIROS’ Transitional Executive Director. Please share it with your family, friends, and community. Post it on social media, share it with your contacts, or show it in your church.
This Advent I’ve been meditating on the image of the peaceable kingdom, found in Isaiah 11: 6-9. In this season of waiting, and longing, and hoping, I’ve been coming back to the images of wolves and lambs living together, of a little child leading a calf and young lion cub, of enemies, of prey and predators living in harmony together, of children living in safety without fear.
Verse 9 says “they won’t harm or destroy anywhere on my sacred mountain.”
It is this vision of people and the earth living well together, of the shalom kind of flourishing peace and wellbeing for all people and for our planet that we work towards every day at KAIROS. From standing with women land defenders concerned about the destruction of their land from exploitative mining practices, to the struggles of migrant workers seeking dignity and safe working conditions, to the ongoing work towards reconciliation that we pursue through the power of stories about Canada true history with the KAIROS Blanket Exercise, together we are all dreaming of a future in which there is no harm, no destruction, in which there is safety and peace.
Even in the face of the stark reality of violence and destruction, of polarization and fragmentation in our world right now, it fills me with hope to know that there are so many people, people like you, part of the KAIROS movement, across Canada and around the world who are waiting in hope, dreaming and acting towards a world where the vision of the peaceable kingdom comes to life.
In this time of now, and not yet, of God’s kingdom, we see glimpses of this vision come true, through people standing up for life and dignity. Thank you for all the ways you are living into this vision, through writing letters, taking part in rallies, donating and other impactful actions so that we can continue taking faithful action for justice and peace. Your donations matter more than ever this year so that we can sustain our witness for life, dignity and justice. This Christmas, I invite you to give generously, to join in the witness of what is possible when we dream God’s dream together of lions, and lambs, and little children leading the way.