The Ecumenical Good Friday Walk for Justice, 39th annual.
March 30, 2018, 2 p.m.
An annual Toronto tradition, exploring contemporary crucifixions of the impoverished, the vulnerable and the exploited at the hands of corporations, government, and the mechanisms of control.
2018 Theme – Dimensions of Poverty. Once you start to look for it, poverty is everywhere. As a society we have the knowledge and resources to end poverty – so why are more and more people facing precarious work, unstable housing, and more difficulty merely surviving?
Stations will explore the importance of the $15 minimum wage, workers rights, poverty and the law, and the impact of homelessness on the Indigenous population. The closing speaker will be Rev Maggie Helwig of the Church of St. Stephen in-the-Fields.
The Walk begins at 2 p.m. with a time of gathering, prayer and introduction of the theme. Participants walk the streets of Toronto to visit “stations’ representing the theme before returning to Church of the Holy Trinity (beside the Eaton Centre) at approximately 4:30 p.m. for a closing ritual and simple meal of soup and bread.
The Ecumenical Good Friday Walk for Justice began over 30 years ago. The planning team for this year’s walk includes people from the Anglican, Lutheran, Mennonite, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and United Churches, the Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM), and Christian Peacemaker Teams.
We also recommend the Easter Vigil: Lament and Resurrection at Bloor Street United Church on Saturday evening.