Migrante Alberta, University of Alberta Community Service Learning and Alberta Public Interest Research Group present a forum on Global Compact on Migration: The effects to migrant caregivers in Canada
The Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) recently announced that they would no longer accept applications for permanent residency from the caregivers by November 2019. This news created a sense of panic among the participants of the program. Many that are in Canada now, that got in under the program will not be qualified.
The forum “Global Compact on Migration: The effects to migrant caregivers in Canada” will talk about the global migration and its effects on migrant caregivers. It will link the current migrant crisis in Canada to the global migration. It will also talk about how the global players vis-à-vis sending countries and host countries through the United Nations “manage the phenomenon” of global migration.
This forum will also give space to caregivers to talk about their current situation.
– Connie Sorio, Migrant Justice and Asia Partnerships Coordinator, KAIROS
– Joselyn Amba, Caregiver also a member of Alberta Caregiver Association-Mig
– Emma Jackson, MA Candidate, U of A
– Vilma Pagaduan, Former caregiver and a long time advocate for caregiver rights
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This is a free event with lunch provided. Please RSVP and feel free to bring along friends that are interested.