Your search topic Gaza returned the following articles:
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage: Canadian Churches for Just Peace
[En Français] Cliquez ici. In early spring, Canadian Christians “with their bodies, prayerfully mapped Gaza onto their own cities,” calling for just peace in Palestine and Israel. Individuals from 150 congregations nationwide walked or rolled all or a portion of…
Perspective – June 2024: Walking, praying and advocating for peace in the Holy Land Anglican Journal – May 30, 2024: Gaza ceasefire pilgrimage calls for ‘just peace’ in Israel and Palestine as universities respond to campus protests The Catholic Register…
Partner Profile: Constantine Dabbagh
December 7, 2010
From time to time, the Canadian mainstream media turns its attention to the Gaza Strip, and very little of its reporting carries good news. The western-most part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Gaza is surrounded by an Israeli military blockade…
Post filed in: Middle East
KAIROS Canada condemns the assault and killing of people aboard the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
June 2, 2010
KAIROS joins churches and concerned people from around world in condemning the assault and killing of innocent people aboard the humanitarian convoy headed to the Gaza Strip. On May 31st, the Israeli Navy boarded a ship in international waters that…
Post filed in: Middle East
KAIROS condamne l’assaut et la tuerie de personnes à bord de la Flottille de la liberté en route vers Gaza
June 9, 2010
KAIROS se joint aux Églises et aux personnes de partout à travers le monde qui ont condamné l’assaut et la tuerie de personnes innocentes à bord du convoi humanitaire qui se rendait à la Bande de Gaza. Le 31 mai,…
Post filed in: En français
Uphold inherent sacredness to end the cycle of violence: the heart of the Canadian Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage
June 5, 2024
“A belief in the sacredness of life and that all people deserve to live in dignity and safety is what brings us here today,” said Leah Reesor-Keller, KAIROS’ Transitional Executive Director, in her opening remarks during the press conference on…
Post filed in: Human Rights, Palestine Israel Conflict, Social Justice
Member Church and Ecumenical Statements on Violence between Hamas and Israel
October 23, 2023
Please find below a list of links Ecumenical Statements made by member churches. This list will be updated as needed during the ongoing violence between Hamas and Israel. Member church statements Statement on the War in the Holy Land (ACC…
Post filed in: Palestine Israel Conflict, Statements
Just Peace in the Middle East Ecumenical Hub
Actions Statements/Letters Partners’ Messages Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage Resources/Prayers Videos News and Blogs Donate October 7 – lament, pray, act for peace in Palestine and Israel For a year, we have pleaded for peace in Palestine and Israel and urged our…
Organizers’ Toolkit
PLANNING A LOCAL ACTION Affirm all eight core convictions of the global Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage Express interest in hosting a pilgrimage here. Check if your city is already planning a pilgrimage on this spreadsheet. Map your route, choose a date and share the event on the KAIROS calendar….
Calls for Action
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage and Calls Across Canada, local church leaders, congregations and communities of faith organized local events for the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage: Canadian Churches for Just Peace.[1] The initiative – organized by KAIROS Canada and its member churches…
Update from KAIROS’ Middle Eastern partners – “We will never surrender our belief in humanity”
November 2, 2023
KAIROS Canada and its member churches and agencies, condemn the current violence, against Israeli and Palestinian civilians, in Israel, Gaza, the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, and call on Canada to do everything in its power to support an…
Post filed in: Palestine Israel Conflict
Media release: Canadian church leaders walk to Parliament Hill for sustained Gaza ceasefire, May 22
May 8, 2024
(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – In a call for a lasting and just peace in the Middle East, leaders from several national churches will converge on Parliament Hill on May 22, at the end of a Week of Action…
Post filed in: Media Releases
Communiqué de Presse: Des dirigeant·e·s d’Églises canadiennes marchent vers la Colline du Parlement pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu durable à Gaza, le 22 mai
May 8, 2024
(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]) – Dans un appel à une paix juste et durable au Moyen-Orient, des dirigeant·e·s de plusieurs Églises nationales convergeront vers la Colline du Parlement le 22 mai, à la fin d’une semaine d’action qui…
Post filed in: Media Releases
Communiqué de Presse:Des dirigeant·e·s d’Églises canadiennes marchent vers la Colline du Parlement pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu durable à Gaza, le 22 mai
May 21, 2024
(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]) – Dans un appel à une paix juste et durable au Moyen-Orient, des dirigeantes de plusieurs Églises nationales convergeront vers la Colline du Parlement le 22 mai, à la fin d’une semaine d’action qui…
Post filed in: Media Releases
16 Days of Activism: highlighting the unique struggles of Palestinian women in war and under occupation
December 2, 2024
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a global campaign that runs annually from November 25 to December 10, aiming to raise awareness about violence against women and girls. However, in the context of Palestine, this campaign…
Post filed in: Gender Justice, Human Rights, Middle East, Palestine Israel Conflict
Media Release:Canadian church leaders walk to Parliament Hill for sustained Gaza ceasefire, May 22
May 21, 2024
(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – In a call for a lasting and just peace in the Middle East, leaders from several national churches will converge on Parliament Hill on May 22, at the end of a Week of Action…
Post filed in: Media Releases
EDMONTON: Gaza Calls: Canada Answers
Palestine Solidarity Network is pleased to be one of the Edmonton sponsors of Canadian Friends of Sabeel’s Canada-wide live three-hour video-conference on Gaza, with Q&A and opportunities to take collective action. On Nov 26th, three Palestinians will connect with over…
Support those affected by ongoing violence in Gaza
July 28, 2014
A number of KAIROS’ member churches are accepting donations to provide direct support to those affected by ongoing violence in Gaza.
Post filed in: Middle East
Crisis in Gaza: KAIROS Partners Respond
November 20, 2012
As the conflict continues between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, KAIROS partner, the Near East Council of Churches (NECC), is responding with emergency medical care to the growing number of injured civilians. NECC in Gaza, a branch of KAIROS partner…
Post filed in: Middle East
Le point sur Gaza
February 13, 2009
Le 8 janvier 2009, KAIROS a émis un appel à une action d’urgence à propos de la violence à Gaza. Le 10 janvier 2009, KAIROS a appris qu’une clinique de santé communautaire dans la ville de Gaza, cofinancée par KAIROS…
Post filed in: En français
From Genocide in Gaza to Decolonizing Palestine: Towards a Democratic State For All
Join Simcoe County KAIROS and Simcoe County 4 Palestine for this public talk: From Genocide in Gaza to Decolonizing Palestine: Toward a Democratic Sate For All Between the River and the Sea, with guest speaker Jeff Halper. . Friday, June…
Toronto: Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage in Toronto Canadian Churches for a Just Peace Join the global movement walking or rolling in prayerful solidarity with the people of Gaza. With our bodies we will prayerfully map Gaza onto our own city and raise…
Current Violence and Military Action in Israel and Palestine
July 15, 2014
Jennifer Henry, Executive Director of KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, has issued a statement in response to the ongoing violence and military action in Palestine and Israel.
Post filed in: Middle East
The United Church of Canada writes to the Prime Minister pleading for immediate action to stop the current genocide
November 21, 2023
The United Church of Canada General Council Executive, its corresponding members, and the members of the National Indigenous Council issued a plea to Prime Minister Trudeau to advocate for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, recognizing that, in the view…
Post filed in: Palestine Israel Conflict, Statements
Bombardement par Israël d’un projet financé par l’ACDI
January 21, 2009
Honorable Lawrence Cannon, ministre des Affaires étrangères 125, Sussex Drive Ottawa (ON) K1A 0G2 Cher Monsieur le ministre, KAIROS-Initiatives œcuméniques canadiennes pour la justice apprend aujourd’hui avec consternation qu’une clinique de santé dans la ville de Gaza…
Post filed in: En français
Middle East
B’TSELEM The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) is a Middle East Council of Churches department Wi’am B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. Donate to Global Partners Website: Global partner since:…
Avis aux médias: Les dirigeants des Églises nationales délivrent un message de paix sur Gaza à la Tribune de la presse nationale, le 22 mai
May 16, 2024
(Territoire algonquin non cédé [Ottawa, ON]). Des dirigeants d’Églises canadiennes se rendront sur la Colline du Parlement le 22 mai pour exhorter les parlementaires à soutenir la construction d’une paix durable en Palestine et en Israël. Ils font partie d’un…
Post filed in: Media Releases
Media advisory: National church leaders deliver peace message on Gaza at National Press Gallery, May 22
May 16, 2024
(Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]) – Canadian church leaders will arrive on Parliament Hill on May 22 to urge Parliamentarians to support sustainable peacebuilding in Palestine and Israel. They are part of a cross Canada movement of churches calling for…
Post filed in: Media Releases