A Just and Inclusive Canada, Statement from the Executive Director of KAIROS

At KAIROS, churches work together with others of faith and conscience for a more just and inclusive world. Today, we are deeply concerned that if headlines, messages, and recent incidents are any indication, Canada is moving not towards but away from that vision.

We see the rights to religious expression of Canadian Muslims–freedoms so core to our shared identity—being threatened.

We observe barriers preventing generous welcome to global neighbours in desperate need, particularly the many innocent civilians fleeing the civil war in Syria.

We hear calls for an end to the epidemic of violence against Indigenous women and girls being repeatedly ignored.

And we witness escalating expressions of hatred and violence against fellow citizens and newcomers.

Some of our churches have histories of fleeing religious persecution and know the fear caused by hatred and intolerance. They know what happens when people do not speak out. Others have histories of participating in persecution or remaining silent when they should have raised their voices.

So today, in a clear affirmation of the dignity of all, we stand with Muslim Canadians, with refugees, and with Indigenous women and girls. We speak against racism, sexism, and intolerance, and denounce any form of hatred and violence. We offer our deepest solidarity and, echoing the calls of our churches, we once again assert a vision of generous welcome and just inclusion, and a country that embraces the full realization of human rights.

Filed in: Migrant Justice


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